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  X-ray Diffractometer
Rigaku XRTmicron
High-brilliance microfocus x-ray source
Confocal mirror
Reflective and transmission XRT
Si, Ge, GaAs, SiC, quartz, LN, LT, sapphire, rutile, fluorite, and various other single-crystalline materials
Rigaku XRT-100/200
X-ray topography system with 4 -inch (XRT-100) or 8 -inch(XRT-200) support.
transmission geometry / reflection geometry
Unique curvature correction mechanism Si, Ge, GaAs, SiC, quartz, LN, LT, sapphire, rutile, fluorite, and various other single-crystalline materials
Crystal imperfection,Stacking fault,dot-shaped precipitates,Fringe contrasts,Dislocation

  Tel: 886-2-2577-5217   Fax: 886-2-2578-4157  email: